From the back seat : Rama Road to Hudson Avenue
Don't do that with your feet: it's bugging me. Stop it. Stop it! Move your arm! Arghhhh! (elbow, wiggle, smack). You're annoying me. That's my armrest! Mine! HE SCRATCHED ME! I can't hear the movie. Beeeeee quiet! Ouch! OWWWWchhhh. He's kicking me! (kick, wiggle, smack) You're hurting me! AM NOT! YOU ARE! You're bad!! No: I'm the goodest!! Can I have a treaaaaatt? Ya, can we have a treeeeaaatt? Please. PLEASE. Okay - Please can we have a treat? Yuck: not that treat. I want something else. Yup!- I can be good! Deal. I'll be good. Me too. The goodest.
(chocolate dipped soft serve ice cream pause)
Put your fist down! I can't ignore it: it's bugging me! He pinched my boo-boo! On purpose! IT WAS AN ACCIDENT! Was not (slap, wiggle, smack - smack - flurry of smacks). Move your head: it's on my side. Move it! Hey?! You're not supposed to have your penis out! 'I love my snowwwwboarrrrrrrddd: I love my skaaaattteeboard' -- I am not singing. It's not singing! 'I looovvvee (ow!) my snowwwbooarrrd (ow!!)'. I can't stop! It's my song! HE BIT ME! He did! Here are the marks! I never never never want Sam to come in my car again!! Never! And I never never never want Carter at my house again!! Ever!
Anabel's crying. She's annoying! ANA-BEL!! It's hurting my ears. Mine too! She's TOOOO loud! There. She's sleeping. Took a long time to stop crying. Did so! 15 minutes is a super long time! Okay: we'll be good. (whisper, whisper, smack). He's BUGGING me! Stop poking me! HEY!
{6.5 hours later}
What? We're home?
Can Sam come over now? Why not?!
I wanna go to Carterrrrrrr's!!
Oh my god. I just got the biggest headache reading that. No wonder I am childless!
Amen, sister!
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