Sam and Jeremy are relaxing on the family room couch, chuckling together over the antics of Bugs Bunny and the rest of the Looney Tunes gang. It's a quiet end to a 3-day weekend that was a cousin-fest of exuberant play. Anabel
celebrated her first birthday in princess-pink style, and Janey and the boys came to town for the party. Although the champagne & cake drop-in lasted just a short time on Saturday afternoon, the boys made a party of it for a full 72 hours. They explored the Waltham Woods, ran ragged around a new play structure in Courtland Park, modelled the outfits of two costume trunks, dumped the contents of several toy chests, watched movies, played
video games, and had three sleepover parties. It was loud and messy and sometimes downright chaotic, but it was also joyous and notably punch-free. In fact, there was just one casualty this weekend, the sad outcome of an ill-advised indoor baseball game, which smashed a family antique of sorts. Mom made Tracey that ceramic Ernie 25 years ago. Soon, Anabel will share a room with Carter and a play space with her visiting cousins. So far, her toys are made of durable plastic and soft, dolly cottons. But if her tastes run to china dolls and tea sets down the line, some plexiglass cabinets might be in order. No matter how much pink velvet and ribbon we wrap her in, Anabel is growing up in a boys' club! 
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