July 09, 2009

Grad Party

Sam had his first graduation party last night (and I say “first” because, if he’s anything like his mother, there may be a six more graduations in his future). Only 3 of his 16 fellow students were able to make it, but they—together with Carter & Anabel and Lucas & Yasmeen—made up in energy what we lacked in numbers. The kids thundered up and down the stairs, drawn equally (but undecidedly) between the pirate gear and costume trunk in Sam’s room and the couch fort and Hot Wheels sets in the play room. Then it seemed as though the running and shrieking (and Sam did most of the shrieking) was the game itself.

Why weren’t we outside for the SK Graduation BBQ? Well, because it poured on us. Again (just for the duration of the party, actually. It was sunny at arrival and departure). Here’s a shot of Daddy at the grill—he’s pulled it up against the house in an effort to stay dry beneath the eaves. We’d tried to postpone the whole event, but people who hadn’t received the message pulled into the driveway shortly after we arrived home from work, so we made a few calls and scurried about getting hot dogs on the BBQ, thawing out the giant cake, and setting up for our on again-off again

Last week, I was feeling a little melancholy about Sam’s move to the primary program. That may be in part because he completed kindergarten on the day that both Farrah Fawcett and Michael Jackson died. There’s a metaphor in there somewhere, I’m certain: my son graduates into grade school just as the biggest pop icons of my youth pass away. He seemed to be growing up too fast, changing in leaps and bounds before our eyes. But last night I was reminded again of just how young 6 is. Masked and caped and weilding foam swords, these squealing kids played tag, got icing on their noses, cried about having to leave, and hugged each other into a big heap on the front porch.

It was two hours of mayhem and Sam had a hoot. He’s been asking to host a class party for over a year now, and it was nice to fulfil a promise to him—however small the group. He certainly gets a kick out of entertaining people at his house. So I imagine it won’t be long before he comes up with another reason to gather his friends for some food and fun (he might get that from his mother, too, along with this notion that goofing for the camera with your friends is about as much fun as anyone can have at a party). Maybe next time, he'll get to show them his back yard.

Congratulations, kindergarten graduate. We love you.

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