Now we're not saying that Magnetic Hill caused our breakdown: only that it's rather coincidental that we were forced to pull off the road in the vicinity of geological freak-of-nature. Our theory holds until someone points out that the phenomenon of Magnetic Hill is an optical illusion. The steam rolling out of the coolant tank was definitely not a trick of the eye. The Jetta was seriously hot. And it was a shame, given that Sam had snuggled into sleep and Jeremy was snoozing soundly and I was enjoying the drive--everything running smoothly with Plan A until the thermostat shouted PLAN B.
Having let the car cool down on the highway roadside and in a service centre parking lot (while we DQ'd it up. Sam's first taste of the hot eats and cool treats), we risked the 12 kilometre slow cruise to the next exit rather than calling a tow truck and taxi out from Moncton to deliver us all who knows where. With the engine light flashing and the 4-ways blinking, we winced against the possible slow murder of the family car, relaxing as we rolled into the ramblingest, roomiest looking Holiday Inn there ever was. No vacancy? Perhaps we looked like riff-raff? Jeremy rolled the car into one of their parking spots (after I took my foot of the brake: hey!? it's a driver's side reflex! I was tired..! and a bit dumb, yes) and we hurriedly gathered up a few supplies and the still-smiley Sammy and race-walked through the rain to the Comfort Inn up the street. Sam stayed up till 11 watching tv. He's lovin' the hotel life.
Jeremy was up and out before 7, hopeful of a quick diagnosis and fix from Canadian Tire. Sam
We played hide & seek for entirely too long, considering that one's choices were in the tub or behind the bathroom door; Sam leapt from bed-to-bed like a maniac for a while, enjoying the surprising freedom of a mother who's not that concerned about bedspring longevity; we played pillow avalanche (8 feather pillows!), made goofy movies and watched disconnected little bits of this and that on The Family Channel. A benevolent manager tracked us down to give Sam a Comfort Inn bear, which he spent a good deal of time sitting on (I don't know why). In short, Sam behaved as tho this delay was as entertaining a pit stop as the zoo.
1 comment:
I assume no comment is necessary re: you and cars. Seriously. Do NOT get behind the wheel. Ever. People's lives are at risk here!
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