July 30, 2007

The Meaning of Brown

While sitting at the breakfast table this morning, Sam cast curious glances at my cereal bar. Pushing his bowl away, he casually asked, "What's that?" and I explained that it was a healthy breakfast bar that grown-ups liked. He followed up with "Is it allergic to children?", and I laughed and replied that most kids weren't allergic to them, no, but that some might find them too dry. Did he want to try a piece? He nodded eagerly. I started to tell him that it was sweeter than it looked, expecting him to take a cautious nibble. Instead, he popped the whole chunk into his mouth and got to chewing. Obviously surprised, he slowed down the chewing pace and swallowed with difficulty. Then he pointed to the wrapper on the table and asked, with a hint of betrayal in his voice, "Why are the words written in chocolate?" That would explain it. Given the large dark brown font of the ALL BRAN lettering, Sam was counting on something a tad sweeter. And now he's learned there's no judging a snack by its wrapper.

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