While tidying the kitchen tonight, I noted once again the large sheet of paper held on to the freezer door by a Stanley Hotel fridge magnet. The page always makes me smile, but it's way out of date and needs to be relegated to the history books. This history book.
It's titled the Daddy-Sammy Holiday and it came about this way. A couple of days before I left for Colorado to be a bridesmaid in Lynnie's wedding (yay!), I reminded Sam that I was going to go on a holiday from January 1 to 4. As in the past, I had my "special occasion" arguments at the ready, but Sam cut me off before I'd barely begun to explain why he wasn't coming. "Can I make a plan for the Daddy-Sammy holiday?" he asked. Why certainly, small boy of mine who apparently no longer frets at his mother's vanishing acts. So we got out the massive tablet of craft paper and a pen and we made this list.
The Daddy-Sammy Holiday
Swimming lesson
See a movie
Play X-Box racing game
Order Chinese food
Watch hockey on TV
Walk Huddie
Play Champion Battle Chess
Play Pirates
Take a nap
Go to Tim Horton's for a hot chocolate
Daddy haircut
Connor's house
Have pizza
Get mommy at the airport (6:13 Air Canada from Toronto)
To finalize plans, Jeremy colour-coded the weekend: blue for Friday, red for Saturday and green for Sunday. They sorted out which things to do on what day. When I got home, everything had been crossed out, save for the dog-walking. Jeremy had penned in "too cold!" Seems Huddie preferred the indoor "wrassling."
While I think my holiday list tops the two (though we all would have killed for pizza at one point!), the Daddy-Sammy list makes me smile. Which is why it spent two months on the fridge under the Stanley Hotel magnet.
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