Sam is a five-year-old boy living in the capital city of Hockey Nation—it's high time he strapped on the blades. Actually, it's been high time for about a year, but he tends to edge slowly towards such athletic endeavors, trying the idea rather than the equipment on for size. Then came Hockey Day in Canada, and Jeremy decided to get himself suited up for a return to the sport. Sam went along on the shopping trip, agreeing to a new helmet since he was thinking maybe he'd consider walking on the outdoor ice rink in his boots. Something magical happened at Play it Again Sports, however, and he came home with the helmet and elbow pads and shin pads and a new pair of cool hockey skates. And a big smile.
On the contrary, Sam was happy to hold on tight to Daddy as he gradually got a feel for the ice and a sense of how to move on it. Then he watched from a sideline snowbank while Jeremy "put on a hockey show," as Sam put it, marvelling at his fancy footwork, backwards skating and quick stops. That's when Trace and Anabel and I made our way back to the house. The boys spent another hour on the rink together, like good Canadians.
Check out the video!
Soooooooooo sweet!!! I love Jeremy Ashe for being so patient and nice!! What a lucky boy Sam is to have such a good dad! (coulda done without the Huddie video... ;)
Huddie is part of the family :)
Thanks for documenting.
Um--future Carter. You are also a wonderful little skater. I'm glad Angie is capturing your childhood in bits and pieces as they relate to Sam!
You were very kind and encouraging to Sammy. When he seemed a bit frustrated, you were quick to remind him that it took you a long time just to get your balance. It was very sweet of you not to brag or be a show-off. I was proud of you!
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