It's 5:30 p.m. on Valentine's Day and my boys are suited up in new aprons and whipping up a spaghetti feast to share. After giving me a sweet Valentine's card, Jeremy let me know we we'd be dining at an exclusive restaurant called Casa Marco. He introduced me to the famous chef himself and then whisper-prompted his opening line: "It will be my pleasure to welcome you this evening..." So cute. And the chef hat is a wonderful touch. I nearly cried (seriously).
I was permitted a brief tour of the chef's kitchen. As you can see, he's very serious about the culinary arts. His facial expression is perfectly matched to the role. His accent, however, is a little out of step with the Italian Restaurant theme, being a vague blend of British upper class and lisping retardation. Of course, it's utterly charming. Mixing his restaurant lingo up a little, Marco then asked. "Would you like the meal check, madame?" Dinner hasn't yet been served. But it does smell delicious from down here, where I await my reservation ...
I've wrapped two new DVDs in red ribbons for my boys to open after dinner. A pirate movie and a black & white classic. Should be a really nice evening. I love my family :)
Edited to add: Oh my goodness, what a dinner! The "restaurant" was candle-lit and the table adorned with a dozen long-stem red roses. The hand-written and illustrated menu featured Spaghetti Marco Extraordinaire, which the chef assured me would be ready in a "splitting second." He doubled back to explain that his "Chef in Training" apron was misleading: "I'm already a masterpiece," he declared. Yes, he is. Movie time with my boys... Happiness!
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